About the Museum

The message of the museum

Dear supporters of Austria-Hungary and Francis Joseph I, we present to you a new website that has no parallel in the world.

This is a collection as it was created - not a chronologically arranged catalog. Therefore, please forgive us in advance for the shortcomings in the description - it will be gradually resolved with time.

They will certainly surprise and interest you with their content and scope. We have started a new stage in the Internet communication of not only austere information, but we will also allow you to enjoy it as in a real museum.

We have about 40,000 images (13,000 objects) ready on these websites. I estimate about 45,000 web pages - so we apologize in advance if something does not work according to the professional descriptions. The museum is open and based on the future possible cooperation of us collectors, historians and like-minded people.

The purpose and message of this museum is, first of all, to correct the distorted view of the reign of Franz Josef I, a true view of historical events not distorted by previous regimes, and to resurrect the forgotten art of millions of people under the reign of Franz Josef I.

It goes without saying that the discussion on the subject of Franz Joseph I cannot be settled on one page. It is indisputable that the huge minus of Franz Josef I is the initiation of World War I (although it had its reasons) and the great sacrifices in human lives.

The Czech view (Czechoslovakian) of the reign of Franz Joseph I is influenced by "Švejk of the Hague". In short - if Franz Josef I had been such a despot and a limited person, as the writer Hašek presents him, there would have been no National Theatre, no industrial revolution, no Smetana would have been able to compose his compositions, thousands of buildings would not have been built, which today bear the name of representatives of a much later era , Czech would not have been spoken (at that time) at Charles University ………

In terms of content, the website is divided into several groups, which will be gradually supplemented and improved. The Franz Josef Museum will mainly focus on the publication of physical objects of the time, with the understanding that written and other documents of the time will only be published if they are in the possession of the museum - or their cooperating friends. In no case are these any internet copies (as also used by renowned museums..) – which is an important fact. There are many private, unknown photographs and items that also come from the gifts of Franz Josef I. or gifts to Franz Josef I. After some time, we will return to a more detailed description of the mentioned items, photographs and pictures, and the history of some extraordinary events will also be added.

If cooperation with other entities occurs, anonymity will always be maintained. Some expanding areas mapping the First World War are already being discussed - a huge collection of bayonets (also rare and rare pieces) and sabers, philately, stamps (unpublished rare frankings) and others. We will be happy if you expand the range of exhibited items to include your exhibits.

We also welcome the offer of your objects for the expansion of the museum and possible purchase.

In the future, the internet museum will aim to build a permanent exhibition Musea Franz Josefa I. Offers have already been made to roughly 50 large cities in Bohemia, but no one has shown any serious interest in Franz Josef I.

Prosíme tímto o shovívavost pokud nám nějaká záležitost nevyjde. Tento web je na samém začátku – ačkoliv se již investovalo na zprovoznění cca 3000 hodin práce na programování a skenování (a nemalé finanční prostředky), není zatím vše ideální.

This site is not and will never be used to promote any movements and political parties. If any comment or image "touches" anyone..it is not the intention and we apologize in advance.

What can you find with us?

We also bring you the possibility of discussion.

Are you interested in the period of Franz Joseph I? Are you a collector? Visit our bazaar!

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