80 years since the execution of Václav Brožík by the Nazis in the Dresden execution chamber – February 14, 1944

80 years since the execution of Václav Brožík by the Nazis in the execution chamber in Dresden – February 14, 1944

With this article, the Internet Museum of Franz Josef I commemorates the sad 80th anniversary of the execution of Václav Brožík. It was a member of the resistance group Čeňka Ulrycha-Král, Skolek, Šalda, Muknšnábl and Brožík. They performed during II. World War II sabotage action against Nazism in Pilsen. However, after many successful actions, they were all arrested, imprisoned and then executed. The museum managed to find an extraordinary collection of documents relating to Václav Brožík. Thanks to a huge coincidence, an invaluable set of wholes was preserved - letters to Bory prison, letters from Dresden, all personal documents, passports and written communication through lawyers with the top Nazi administration to save the life of Václav Brožík. The entire collection of documents and personal belongings brought from the Dresden execution house after the war can be viewed at www.franz-josef.cz in the folder: Extraordinary Collection of Václav Brožík. The Museum hereby pays tribute to the bravery of these young people who gave their lives for us - WE WILL NEVER FORGET. ​



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